Posts tagged 'research'

Feature Toggles for Python, Django and Django REST Framework

So I’ve been wanting to get a decent feature toggle framework set up for my project at work. It’s one of those things which isn’t useful until it is, and then the pressure is on so you put off adding it, until it’s not useful again …

Using the Adafruit Bluetooth LE Sniffer with modern distro

I’m currently doing a lot of work with BLE and so was looking for ways to analyse traffic on the wire. While wireshark can do sniffing with your standard bluetooth dongle, it can only sniff traffic that the bluetooth controller is directly involved with, and the indirection between bluetooth …

Research Spike on Docker Volume Permission

I love Docker. Who doesn’t! But it’s got one issue that continue to bugs me, and is always biting me in the arse.

Docker Logo

In many environments, such as on a dev box or a build slave, it can be useful to use docker to wrap a build tool …